coolin' by sound

goin' for something a little more cooling and refreshing.  glimpses of spring are in the air and at the markets but we are not quite there yet.  so we are gonna do something a little tropical, familiar.
version 1
shaved pineapple, dehydrated pineapple chunks, microwave coconut sponge, lime ice cream, coconut pebbles, coconut pudding, cilantro, and a soy caramel poured tableside

version 2
pineapple three ways: compressed and shaved, marinated and dehydrated, and meringue. coconut cream, coconut pebbles, lime ice cream, cilantro, and soy caramel poured tableside (not pictured).

i am sticking with version 2 on the menu.  the meringues add a lightness and crunch while also allowing me to use all of the pineapple. 


Barzelay said...

That looks great. What is the texture of the pebbles?

ron. said...

its made from melted white chocolate with coconut oil, maltodextrin to make it dry, and then a light saute in a nonstick pan to form the pebbles. they hold their shape until in the mouth where they melt away into a sweet coconut aroma

HanBaiHe said...

I loved the meringue and the shaved pineapple. The ensemble of textures is just - it's a pina fiesta :)

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